Books deserve to be read and celebrated every day, but some days are more suitable than others.
There is no better time to break from daily routine than the day when you can celebrate the joy of reading.
Book lovers, rejoice. It’s the World Book Day!
It doesn’t have to be a day dominated by books from the moment you wake up to the late evening when your eyes start to close.
The celebration happens in your mind. If 15 minutes spent with books during World Book Day will make you happy, then you’ve celebrated it!
Each year, book lovers have an excuse to dive into books at least twice, as there are two widely popular World Book Day celebrations.
- World Book Day – the biggest annual reading event in the UK and Ireland, taking place at the beginning of March,
- World Book and Copyright Day – organized by UNESCO on April 23, the event promotes reading, publishing, and copyright since 1995.
No matter which World Book Day happens to be today, take a look at the proposed activities and get inspired to make this day enjoyable and memorable.
Treat this list as a reading challenge, and keep coming back anytime you want. For a dedicated book lover, books deserve to be read and celebrated every single day.
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Ways to celebrate the World Book Day
1. Visit your favorite bookshop
Most often, a favorite bookshop is on the way home. And most often, you pass it looking yearningly at the store’s window full of colorful books.
“There is no time to get in, I’ve got so much to do in the evening,” you think.
Stop! 15 minutes for books on your way home will not break your life. Your duties can wait. 6 minutes of reading can reduce stress by 60%, remember?
Enter the bookshop, explore the bookshelf with hot new releases, or ask the bookshop owner for her recommendations. What about the gift for your book-loving Mom or Dad?
2. Give a try to audiobooks
It’s a pity that so far nobody came up with the idea of the World Audiobook Day.
Audiobooks are books – but in a different form. Why not devoting a part of the free time to see if they are your thing?
And you don’t have to invest a lot of time in it. You won’t even spend a penny.
All you can do is download an audiobook app to your phone or tablet. There are several excellent audiobook player apps for iPad/iPhone and Android-powered devices.
Download an app you like most, and you will be able to listen to an example audiobook or check out popular titles available in the audiobook format.
Do you have a smart speaker at your home? Apple HomePod, Google Home, Amazon Echo? Setting up the device to seamlessly play an audiobook for you is not a big deal.
Just imagine. You’re coming back home, and the first thing you say is “Alexa, resume my audiobook.”
3. Check out what’s new in your library
No, we are not asking you to visit the bookshop and the library on a single day. It would be too much.
Instead, you can visit your library without leaving home. Have you ever tried to access your library via its website? Googling it will take a few seconds.
Once you land on the library’s site, you may be surprised to discover that you can borrow books using your web browser, not legs.
The time is changing, and your library may be already offering books in the digital format, both ebooks and audiobooks.
If yes, all you need to do is use your library card to sign up, and follow the guide to borrow library ebooks. You may find out that the free library book will land in your book application in a few minutes!
4. Start making your summer reading list
It’s never too early to get ready for a bookish summer.
If you can start thinking about books you can gift your parents, why not thinking about which books you’d love to accompany you during your summer holidays.
How to find books for your to-read collection? Visit your favorite bookshop or the local library’s website, explore book bestseller lists, check out the winners of major literary prizes, or rely on recommendations from your Goodreads friends.
5. Rediscover your bookshelf
To get happy during the World Book Day, you don’t have to go anywhere, or buy anything. There is one thing that will make you more than happy.
It’s closer than you think, but most times it comes unnoticed. It’s there, you know it’s there, and you think you know it well.
Really? Are you sure there is nothing to discover in the small bookshelf in your bedroom? And what about a bookcase in the living room? What about the book you’ve received for Christmas? And the one you’d promised yourself to read last summer?
Here are a few other prompts.
Take attention only to books with red spines. Pick up the one you haven’t read yet.
Think about what was your favorite author when you were a student. Find all books from the author and arrange them together on a bookshelf.
Pick up a few random books from the bookshelf and read author bios.
Keep exploring. Here are more lists for book lovers:
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