Popular abbreviations as seen by book lovers

The most popular abbreviations as seen by book nerds

How would popular abbreviations look like if they were to be decided by book lovers?

Abbreviations are a symbol of digital revolution. They let save time and space because you write down three or four characters instead of a dozen.

Unfortunately, among hundreds of abbreviations, you can hardly find anything that would be of use for a book lover.

Why not changing it?

If you were to give a meaning to TGIF (which arouses so many associations with the weekend devoted to books), what would you come up with?

A couple of abbreviations decoded by book geeks are listed below. As you see, many popular ones are still missing. TGIF, LOL, DIY, WTF, IMO…

How would you decode them to satisfy the book lover in you?

Have fun!

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Popular abbreviations as seen by book geeks


Popular abbreviations as seen by book geeks: FYI - for your imagination

FYI – for your imagination.


Popular abbreviations as seen by book geeks: VIP - very interesting plot

VIP – very interesting plot.


Popular abbreviations as seen by book geeks: IRL - in a real library

IRL – in a real library.


Popular abbreviations as seen by book geeks: B&B - bed and books

B&B – bed & books.


Popular abbreviations as seen by book geeks: WWW - words words words

WWW – words, words, words.


Popular abbreviations as seen by book geeks: ROTFL - reading on the floow laughing

ROTFL – reading on the floor laughing.


Popular abbreviations as seen by book geeks: HTML - hugging the marvelous librarian

HTML – hugging the marvelous librarian.


Popular abbreviations as seen by book geeks: NBA - new book arrived

NBA – new book arrived!

All background images via Unsplash.

Popular abbreviations in the eyes of book nerds – infographic

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The most popular abbreviations as seen by book geeks #infographic

Keep exploring. Here are more lists for book lovers:

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