The most commonly assigned college book in the US is Frankenstein by Mary Shelley. It appears on over 5,000 syllabi nationwide.
Open Syllabus is a non-profit organization that analyzes millions of syllabi to help teachers develop classes, librarians manage collections, and students explore new topics.
The platform has collected and analyzed so far over 9 millions English-language syllabi from 140 countries, and, thanks to machine learning, extracted helpful data for these documents.
Thanks to Open Syllabus data, it’s possible to see the most commonly read college books in each of the included countries.
Degree Query took a closer look at US colleges and created a set of infographics revealing the most-assigned books in each state, as well as across five most popular fields of study.
Based on syllabi from well over 2,500 US colleges, the key findings are:
- The Elements of Style by William Strunk is the most-assigned book at America’s top public schools.
- Of the 100 most-assigned books in US colleges, 22 have a female author.
- The most commonly assigned college book overall is Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein.
- The most popular book on computer science is Introduction to Algorithms by Thomas H. Cormen, appearing on over 1,800 syllabi across the country.
Make sure to visit the original post at Degree Query to see the rest of the visuals and read the entire analysis.
Click or tap the infographics to see them enlarged.
Most popular college books in the US
The most frequently assigned college book in each state

The most frequently assigned computer science college book in each state

The most assigned college books – Ivy League vs public colleges

Via Literary Hub.
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