With Bookly, you’ll be able to keep track of all your books, rate them, set reading goals, and more.
If you’re just getting into the habit of reading, chances are you sometimes find it hard to keep yourself motivated and stick to a routine.
On the other hand, if you’re an avid reader, you might be in desperate need of a good app that would keep up with your readathons. Well, your prayers have been answered – with Bookly, you’ll be able to do all that (and even more).
Bookly is a bit like a mix between a workout-tracking app and Goodreads – it records the time spent while reading, analyzes it, and gives away suggestions on how to improve your reading routine, keeping you motivated all the way through.
How Bookly works
Whenever you start a new book, you can add it by scanning the ISBN code or finding it via the app’s database.
Then, you’re good to go – all you have to do is start a timer every time you read with a simple tap, and Bookly will record and analyze your reading progress over time.
While reading, you can also add quotes and thoughts about the book, set a countdown, or even play relaxing ambient sounds (such as light rain, flowing river, crowded café, and more) to help you focus on reading even better.
After you’re done reading for the day, you can simply press “Stop” and enter the number of pages (or, if reading an ebook, the %) you got to, and Bookly will accumulate the data over time, analyzing your reading habits, speed and progress.
If you’re just getting into the habit of reading, there’s also a number of features to keep you motivated – you can set reading goals and reminders to maintain your reading routine, receive personalized tips on how to improve reading skills, or make reading even more fun with game-like features like levels, rewards and achievements.
The app also automatically generates a neat infographic with all the reading stats for each book you complete, perfect to share on social media.
What’s even more, Bookly also lets you mark a book as lent or borrowed – so that you never lose a book to a forgetful bookish friend again.

Bookly pricing
Bookly is free to download on App Store and Google Play with all the basic features free to use on without an online account or sign up needed.
The Pro version is free with a 7-day trial, after which there are three subscription packages available: a one-month subscription ($4.99), a six-month subscription ($19.99), and a one-year subscription ($29.99).
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