Joy, trust, and anticipation are the most common emotions in the five most popular novels by Jane Austen.
Data visualizations are one of the most involving ways to explore literature. Here is a new – and brilliant – visual shared on Twitter by data analyst, photographer, and visual artist @FilmicAestetic.
The infographic compares emotions in five most famous novels by Jane Austen: Sense & Sensibility, Emma, Northanger Abbey, Mansfield Park, and, obviously, Pride & Prejudice.
The designer has used NRC Emotion Lexicon to collect and process emotions. The lexicon is a list of English words with eight basic emotions and two sentiments. It has been developed and is maintained by Dr. Saif M. Mohammad at the National Research Council, Canada.
As you will see below, joy, trust, and anticipation are the dominating emotions in all the analyzed novels. Fear is visibly higher in Northanger Abbey, which shares a relatively high level of sadness with Sense & Sensibility. There is almost no disgust.
If you want to go deeper into emotions in literature, make sure to explore our infographic Love DNA of famous classic novels, which, among many other things, collects data about the use of words “love” and “kiss.”
Click or tap the infographic to see it enlarged.

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