Are you looking for a deal on Audible audiobooks? You can save $36 on Premium Plus membership.
Audible Premium Plus normally costs $14.95 per month, but the deal offers a monthly fee reduced to $5.95 for the first four months. It means you save 60%.
Audible Premium Plus provides unlimited access to Audible Originals, audiobooks, and podcasts. You earn 1 credit per month to buy any title from a premium catalog.
After the deal period ends, your credit card will be automatically charged with $14.95 each month, not $5.95. You can, however, cancel your membership any time to avoid paying the full price.
Here is a full catalog of Audible Plus audiobooks – you can explore it without signing up to Audible.
The deal is available directly on Audible website. You can’t find it on Amazon.
I have spotted the deal just now, but it is valid much longer than Cyber Monday. You have time until December 31, 2022.
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