Imagine being able to read 365 books in a year without having to drastically clear out your schedule. This brilliant app makes it possible – and requires only 12 minutes of your day.
Wake up. Hurry to the subway. Eat a quick breakfast on your way to work. Work. Work out. Work some more. Grab a drink with friends. Watch an episode of Dark. Sleep. Repeat.
With calendars filled up to the extreme and our attention span shorter than that of a goldfish, it is becoming more and more difficult to find a moment to start a new book and then commit to it. Especially a nonfiction, educational one.
But this app makes it possible, requiring only 12 minutes of your extremely valuable time.
The 12min app is a collection of popular nonfiction books distilled into chunks that can be read in more or less 12 minutes. These bitesize ‘microbooks’ come in both text and audio form and can be consumed with or without an Internet connection. You can send them to your Kindle account, or use the sleek iOS or Android app instead.
The 12min app microbooks cover various topics: business, sports, psychology, science, personal development, and many more. Users can also suggest new books for the team to break down. Some of the most recent additions to the 12minarchives include Gladwell’s The Turning Point, Austin Kleon’s Steal Like an Artist, and Charles Duhhigg’s The Power of Habit.
The idea to condense nonfiction books into small, quick reads, seems to work wonders: as of today, the 12min app has over 17,000 reviews and a 4.7/5 rating on Google Play.
12min is not the only app like this on the market – its rivals include, most notably, Blinkist and Instaread. What makes the 12min app stand out from the crowd, however, is the current limited offer: a lifetime premium subscription for only $39 (in comparison, the normal price stands at $347).
Other pricing plans include semestral (6 months) or yearly. There is also a free trial with a couple of days of unlimited access.
⇢ 12min for iOS ⇢ 12min for Android
Via The New York Post.
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