In this post, you’ll see the most convincing infographics that encourage to read, and raise awareness of the importance of reading.
Reading is a privilege, but many people think it’s like nothing more than a duty. Well, even if it’s a duty, it still brings this nice warm feeling of getting smarter and smarter with every page.
In times of the internet, with its distractions and information overload, it’s harder and harder to find time and attitude to do such an easy thing as opening a book.
Oh, books. They are there, waiting to be enjoyed. Either printed on paper or downloaded to a tablet. They are the closest of friends. And reading is the nicest of duties.
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10 great infographics that promote reading
1. Science-backed ways reading makes you smarter

When you are reading, you stimulate areas in your brain responsible for emotion, empathy, or decision-making. People who regularly read have greater vocabulary, more knowledge, and are more creative.
The infographic above puts together facts that show reading is good for your brain. And all nine reasons are backed by science. Studies found that reading fiction can greatly improve empathic tendencies.
Another study, conducted at Emory University using MRI, found that the brain retains activity for as much as five days after reading a book.
2. Reading is the road to success

The role of reading in digital times doesn’t change. It was, it is, and it will be, the best way to achieve success.
That’s why it is extremely important to “instill in our children a desire to read” and to give them the understanding of the impact it can have on the rest of their lives.
This great infographic from Chronicle Books lists tips for influencing a desire to read, and apps that can be helpful in this process.
3. The benefits of reading

What would be a better way to draw attention to reading than presenting its sheer benefits in a visually pleasant way?
Created by Gosia Zimniak, the infographic puts together most important benefits of the most beautiful activity in the world. It somehow reminds me of the sunny childhood, with wooden bookshelves full of colorful and entertaining books.
4. The most important benefits of reading

There are benefits of reading everyone knows or can guess. I’m sure you don’t know this: reading for as little as 6 minutes can reduce stress by as much as 60%!
National Reading Campaign, a Toronto-based non-profit organization, has developed together with CBC Books, an infographic that lists main benefits of reading, even these less obvious.
The visual is based on a summary Reading Matters that not only outlines most important advantages but also cites the research to back it up.
5. A history of reading

Reading is not something teachers push you to do during your school years. Reading on a tablet may be something new for many, but the history of reading is a way longer than that.
Published by TechTalk with Currys and designed by Paragraphics, the infographic is a fun look at how reading evolved – with a focus on evolution of ebook reading devices.
The fact that books now exist in both paper and electronic form is not an excuse (“these ebooks don’t smell”). You should rather consider it as a privilege of choice.
6. Tips to help children refocus on reading

I wrote earlier that in digital times we are all getting distracted. Our children, digital natives, are distracted by default.
The infographic from Chronicle Books, a shopping site with wonderful personalized books, shows how to make the children focus, or to be more precise – refocus – on written word.
You don’t necessarily have to buy paper books and push your kids to read them. If they prefer to stay in a digital environment while turning their attention to a book, just make it happen. And make sure it happens every day.
7. Five ways to get kids excited about reading

More and more parents realize that getting their kids to read becomes a real challenge.
Before your children will watch “Jungle Book” or “Shrek”, make sure you did everything to let them fall in love with the original versions – the books.
Based on an article by Faith Fernandez for Edudemic, the infographic from CNK Digital visualizes the ways parents can facilitate the process of teaching children to read.
8. Avid readers around the world

Are you an avid reader? Do you read each day? How long can you survive without reaching for a book?
To a certain extent, your reading habits are depending on the country you live in.
This beautiful infographic designed by the team from RBTH, presents most avid readers in the world. In India, people spend with a book more than 10 hours a week. In the top five countries, there are also Thailand, China, Philippines, Egypt, and the Czech Republic.
United States is in the fourth group (marked in yellow color), together with Canada, Germany, and Italy. Readers in these countries read between 5 and 6 hours a week.
How many hours do you read a week? Read more – this is the challenge.
9. The reading habits of highly successful people

This infographic proves reading is an essential factor in achieving success. 88% of wealthy people read at least half an hour a day. The average CEO reads 60 or more books a year.
The infographic includes the profiles of most successful people: what time a day they read, what categories they prefer, and what are their favorite books. Oprah Winfrey, Steve Jobs, Warren Buffett, and Mark Zuckerberg are among them.
10. Ten most interesting facts about reading

This simple and entertaining infographic from Tell-A-Tale puts together most important facts about reading.
“It’s is never too late in life to pick up a book. For all you know, it might even save your life. Don’t believe us? Read on.”
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