The magic of addictive smell of books can be recreated easier than you think. A new infographic lets you explore the best book-inspired perfumes from top brands.
In a fast-changing digital world, many avid book lovers may miss the scent of good old books.
“How to bring the smell of my childhood’s books to my new Kindle?,” many modern book lovers wonder. Perfumes, sprays, and candles come to the rescue.
Obviously, even the perfumes with most skillfully selected ingredients can’t replace the sensation of reading a real book. What they can do, however, is to invite the book smell into a home library, a bedroom, or just anywhere we go.
Siege Media agency has designed for FragranceX online perfume store a handy infographic that lists the best perfumes that will transfer to the world of books.
Our favorite books can have a huge impact on our daily lives — including our clothes, speech, thoughts and feelings; even our scent! The same way our favorite books define us, so do the scents we choose to wear.
The infographic is accompanied by a FragranceX article with a full list of available book-scented fragrances, with a focus on romantic readers and fantasy enthusiasts.
Make sure to see our evergreen roundups of the best book-scented perfumes, as well as candles inspired by books and writers.
Click or tap the infographic to see it enlarged.

Via FragranceX blog.
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