11 exciting ways you can celebrate Read an Ebook Day 2017

How to celebrate Read an Ebook Day 2017

For the fourth time, ebook lovers from around the world celebrate Read an Ebook Day.

If you are reading ebooks, and love how useful they are, today is the best time to express it! There is also no better day to share the love for ebooks with those who haven’t tried modern reading yet.

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September 18 is Read an Ebook Day. It’s an international event organized and curated by OverDrive, one of the top destinations for ebook lovers.

OverDrive is the leading distributor of digital content, including ebooks, audiobooks, music, and movies. The company cooperates with over 30,000 libraries and schools in more than 40 countries. It offers over 2 million digital publications. Chances are a library near you already offers ebooks.

But Read and Ebook Day is not only about getting interested in ebooks and all the benefits they offer.

Read an eBook Day is a celebration of modern storytelling. Be a part of the festivities by checking your favorite eBook out from the library, sharing your reading stories, entering to win prizes or just simply setting aside some time to read.

It’s only one day, and the hype is mostly about sharing ebook love with your friends!

Here is a list of proposed activities to choose from. Happy #ebooklove!

11 ways to celebrate Read an Ebook Day 2017

1. Explore the official Read an Ebook Day website

It doesn’t cost a penny to start reading ebooks. Just the opposite. You can borrow ebooks just like you borrow print books.

On the official page of Read an Ebook Day 2017, you’ll not only learn how to start reading ebooks in minutes.

You will also see which authors take part in the celebrations (James Patterson and Ryan Graudin are among them!). You can listen to author interviews, a part of OverDrive’s Professional Book Nerds podcast.

That’s not all. Read an Ebook Day staff has compiled a list of recommended reads in five categories:

You can be a part of festivities and join a conversation. How? It’s easy.

First, you can share what ebook or ebooks you are currently reading. Simply, leave a reply on who’s reading what page.

Most importantly, you can join the community of ebook lovers in social media. Share what ebook are you reading. Share your favorite passage from a book. Take a picture of your e-reader (and a pet?) Just make sure to add #ebooklove tag at the end of the text.

2. Share #ebooklove story in social media

Every day, many people share their experience with electronic books, what do they struggle with, would they improve, or simply share a sheer love.

There is no better time to do that than September 18th. Make sure to use the hashtag #ebooklove on Twitter or Facebook.

Follow Overdrive on Twitter at @OverDriveLibs and on Facebook at OverDrive for Libraries.

3. Enter a chance to win Kobo Aura One

Read an Ebook Day - share your story and get a chance to win Kobo Aura One

The best part is that if you join the #ebooklove conversation on Twitter or Facebook, you will get a chance to win Kobo Aura One e-reader!

4. Find out whether your library offers ebooks

While most of the celebrations happen online, you can also visit your library and find out whether ebooks are already offered.

If they are, you can learn how to borrow and return them without leaving home.

Visiting a library, and saying hello to your librarian, is good because September is Library Card Sign-up Month.

5. Get a free reading app for a computer, tablet, or smartphone

Many people still assume they need to have a dedicated device for ebooks. They wait until prices of the Kindle, Kobo, or Nook e-reader go down.

In fact, you don’t have to wait any minute longer. You can start reading ebooks in minutes. All you have to do is to download a free application.

There are OverDrive apps for iPhone, iPad, Android, Windows Phone. They will let you read ebooks, listen to audiobooks, and even watch videos.

On every mobile platform, not only iOS or Android, there are a plenty of other free ebook reading apps to explore. And your smartphone is good enough to read them.

6. Read an ebook right now in your browser

Downloading an app is too much of an effort? You don’t even need a special app to start enjoying ebooks.

You are most probably reading this post in a browser like Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. It’s all you need to start reading ebooks in seconds!

We have a detailed list of sites where you can read ebooks online – why not exploring it right away?

7. Explore ebook catalogs in major online stores

Many users complain that there are not enough good books in electronic format. Well, this is changing fast.

If you had checked the offer months ago, you might be surprised how many good titles have been published in ebook format ever since.

Go to Amazon Kindle Store, Barnes & Noble’s Nook Store or Kobo and start browsing for titles you’d like to read.

8. Find what’s on top of ebook bestsellers lists

If you want to have a really quick overview of the best ebook titles, you can find out which ebooks are now most buzzworthy bestsellers.

Go and check out the most popular ebook bestseller lists curated by The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, Amazon, or Barnes & Noble.

9. Give a try to self-published books

Self-publishing is a true phenomenon of the book industry. Many authors use possibilities digital publishing gives and launch ebooks at no or little cost.

The books usually cost few dollars. One of the top destinations for self-published books is Smashwords, but you can find these books in all major ebookstores.

10. Quickly learn ebook-specific terms and phrases

Do you worry you’ll have to learn too much to start using ebooks? Let’s just make things easier.

Check out this simple glossary of terms related to ebooks and digital publishing. You’ll quickly find answers to what e-ink or ebook DRM or enhanced ebook is.

11. See how other readers love ebooks

And if your primary reason not to embrace ebooks is that you can’t imagine yourself loving them, just take a look at these incredible pictures.

Ebook love 132

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