What do Amy Poehler, Dolly Parton, Maria Sharapova, Marilyn Monroe and LeBron James have in common? They love to read books!
It’s a well-known fact that reading books is a way to succeed in life. However, you have to keep in mind that “what” is more important than “how many.”
From Global English Editing comes a new infographic, The Bookshelves of 20 Surprisingly Smart Celebrities, that shares favorite books of famous people who like to read.
Wealthy businessmen read mostly to self improve, develop creativity, and keep up with current events. Others prefer reading for entertainment, or to help them in their personal lives.
Kendall Jenner claims that reading books helps her deal with anxiety. Kim Jisoo, a member of a South Korean girl group Blackpink, reads to relieve stress. It’s no surprise – a study at the University of Sussex found that reading for just 6 minutes can reduce stress by up two thirds.
Lebron James has made a habit of reading books before a game. It’s his way of escaping, to take his mind off the game, and to give him a different perspective.
This handy infographic lists 20 smart celebrities and some of their beloved books. Which bookshelf is closest to yours?
Click or tap the infographic to see it enlarged.

Via Global English Editing blog.
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